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Richard X. 

Richard Giordano, an evangelist, was born into a family of nominal Christians, believing in God but unaware of the saving power and complete victory that Jesus Christ could bring into one's life. He discovered Christ and His present truth deep within his heart, transcending the confines of traditional church culture. To him, thoughts, opinions, and theories held no significance; only the pure, unadulterated Word of God mattered.

Before dedicating his life to the Lord, Richard harbored a burning desire to uncover the truth and the meaning of life. In his intense quest for truth, he found that the biblical prophecies provided a solid and unalterable foundation, unwavering amidst the shifting sands of worldly errors. These prophecies became the bedrock upon which he could rest his faith. 

After years of intense searching, he found the Messiah, the Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. With unwavering commitment, he has devoted his life to serving Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world and his personal Savior. Richard now carries a profound joy and inner peace that he is compelled to share with his fellow human beings. This is his purpose, his joy, and his mission.

Image of Richard X. Giordano
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Synapses, Shoestrings, and Sin
Rich X Giordano

Synapses, Shoestrings, and Sin

Be Hopeful. Be Encouraged. Be Faithful to Truth.

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